Friday, October 16, 2009

Day LI

Last weekend I went on the Garden Route, a trip up the southeastern coast towards Port Elizabeth. It was remarkable, to say the least. the scenery was incredible, and the hostel we stayed at was excellent. Here is a picture of the Fairly Knowe "Backpacker's" (hostel).

The highlight of my weekend was also the most terrifying thing I've ever done. I jumped the world's biggest Bunjy jump at Bloukrans, this continent's largest bridge. Click on this one(and all the other ones) for the full effect.

The free fall was 5 seconds long, and the total height is about 216 meters/700 feet. For me, this eclipsed sky-diving totally - you guys, I almost pissed myself. It was absurd! I didn't purchase the pictures, but I got the DVD. I'll hopefully get that up here at some point!

Mom, I'm sorry.

The next day the group went to an animal conservation ranch, which was a fun time. Many beautiful animals.

Lion in the fetal, gotta love it!

At the end of the tour, I was given a chance to play with some of the animals. Very cool.

Great weekend! This is quite a beautiful country. Have a look.

1 comment:

  1. Quite remarkable indeed, Davis. Your adventure seems to be going from one extraordinary experience to another! Hope all is well with Simba and the other animals. Peace and love, Thos.
